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President's Welcome


Hello! My name is Rosa Garces and I will be the HMS PTSA president for the 2023-2024 school year. I am excited to serve the HMS community. I will have an 8th Grader, Rebecca, at HMS this year and a 5th Grader, Victoria, at HES. My husband, Alberto, is amazing and is PTA Treasurer at HES. You will see me walking on Heritage with our youngest, Ada the doodle. I encourage you to join the PTSA this year (membership renews annually). This year, we have increased our budget to support more Staff Mini-Grants and plan to add additional outdoor seating (benches/picnic tables) for students to use.  Please reach out to me with any questions/concerns and I'll be happy to help find a solution. My email is



HMS PTSA President on 8/3/2023 9:10 pm

An Easy Way to SUPPORT HMS!

Link your Tom Thumb card at Guest Services the next time you go shopping using Organization #7467.

Every time you use your rewards number, a portion of the proceeds will be donated back to the HMS PTSA!